
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Venue: Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) Jitra

Employing Qualified and Certified Welders is now a necessity for the company for exports to various countries and meeting various norms such as AWS / ASME / DIN etc. The practical training is tailored to the specific needs of the Company. The individual welder will get a close supervision of experienced instructor to
achieve the skill necessary for the use of the company. It will enable the welder to get up to date information on State-of-art modern Technologies in welding. Besides practical training, necessary theoretical inputs are also given to prepare them for Certified welder.

Target Group
This course is suitable for line leader and technician who want to learn the basic welding technology.

This course is an introductory course, therefore prior basic welding not required to enroll in this course.

Upon completion of the course, the participants should be able to:

a)    Handle welding equipment
b)    Set up SMAW equipment and accessories
c)    Carry out straight bead
d)    Carry out padding/buttering
e)    Set up GMAW equipment and accessories
f)     Weld carbon steel plate in 2F position
g)    Weld carbon steel plate in 1G position


Welding technology for beginner

a)    Handle welding equipment
b)    Set up SMAW equipment and accessories
c)     Carry out straight bead
d)    Carry out padding/buttering
e)    Set up GMAW equipment and accessories
f)     Weld carbon steel plate in 1G position
g)    Weld carbon steel plate in 2F position


Training Method
Training will be delivered through a combination between theoretical talk, demonstration and practical lessons.


Day 1
8:00 a.m.        Registration & Briefing
8:30 a.m.        Introduction to welding processes.
10:30 a.m.      Break
11:00 a.m.      Set up SMAW equipment and accessories
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Carry out straight bead (Practical & Demonstrations)
5:00 p.m.        End of day 1

Day 2
8:00 a.m.        Cont.
10:30 a.m.      Break
11:00 a.m.      Weld carbon steel plate in 2F position
12:30 p.m.       Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Cont.
5:00 p.m.        End of day 2

Day 3
8:00 a.m.        Weld carbon steel plate in 1G position
10:30 a.m.      Break
11:00 a.m.      Cont.
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Cont.
5:00 p.m.        End of day 3

Day 4
8:00 a.m.        Introduction to welding processes.
10:30 a.m.      Break
11:00 a.m.      Set up GMAW equipment and accessories
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Carry out straight bead (Practical & Demonstrations)
5:00 p.m.        End of day 4

Day 5
8:00 a.m.        Cont.
10:30 a.m.      Break
11:00 a.m.      Weld carbon steel plate in 2F position
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Cont.
5:00 p.m.        End of day 5

Day 6
8:00 a.m.        Weld carbon steel plate in 1G position
10:30 a.m.       Break
11:00 a.m.      Cont.
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
2:30 p.m.        Cont.
5:00 p.m.        Closing ceremony

Course Instructor
The instructor for this course is Mr Tn. Hj. Zulkifli Sarban bin Abdullah . He is currently teaches Welding Technology program at ILP Jitra and have more than 20 years of experience in the field. He also a Certified Welder.

Contact Person

To obtain more information regarding this course, please contact Corporate and Lifelong Learning Section. (04- 9161926 ext 161 or 162). You can also send inquiries by email to

Companies sending their employees to this course may apply for reimbursement from HRDF under the SBL scheme


  1. Welding Courses 1G/2G/4G/6G/6GTR (3GWC/4GWC/6GWC)

    Welding plays a vital part in modern engineering, joining metals in factories, fabrication workshop and in a wide varieties of work on site for both shipyard and construction industries. Equip your staff with appropriate levels of competency and skills in welding operations to meet today’s job market and the challenges of tomorrow. Successful completion of this course (3G) will enable the workers from Malaysia to be eligible for the low levy scheme.

    Course Content
    The course contents are as follow:-
    • Introduction to Welding
    • Preparation for Safe Welding Operations
    • Hazard Involved in Welding
    • Personal Protective Equipment-General Introduction
    • Practical Training
    • Practical Assessment

    Basic welding low-levy test certified by Bureau Veritas

    1. SMAW-3G (10mm) Plate

    Up-grading welding tests certified by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

    SMAW-3G (10mm to 25mm) Plate
    SMAW-4G (25mm) Plate
    SMAW-6G (6”-8”) Pipe
    FCAW-3G (12mm to25mm) Plate7 . GTAW-6G (2”) Pipe
    GTAW/SMAW-6G (2’to3’ S.S Pipe)

    Entry Requirement
    • Must be over 18 years of age
    • Must be physically and mentally fit for the training
    • No problem with eyesight

    Upon successful completion candidate will be issued with a Welding Certificate by the Class surveyor.

    For Malaysian/Foreign Worker- Obtain the above welding certificate in one or two days to apply for work permit this certificate witnessed by 3rd party approved by Ministry Of Manpower Singapore(MOM) may use for lower levy.

    We undertake to offer you the best rates and the shortest time to qualify your workers.

    Enquires,please contact us.
    Terence +6598308352
    Sathya +60167214721

  2. Welding Courses 1G/2G/4G/6G/6GTR (3GWC/4GWC/6GWC)

    Welding plays a vital part in modern engineering, joining metals in factories, fabrication workshop and in a wide varieties of work on site for both shipyard and construction industries. Equip your staff with appropriate levels of competency and skills in welding operations to meet today’s job market and the challenges of tomorrow. Successful completion of this course (3G) will enable the workers from Malaysia to be eligible for the low levy scheme.

    Course Content
    The course contents are as follow:-
    • Introduction to Welding
    • Preparation for Safe Welding Operations
    • Hazard Involved in Welding
    • Personal Protective Equipment-General Introduction
    • Practical Training
    • Practical Assessment

    Basic welding low-levy test certified by Bureau Veritas

    1. SMAW-3G (10mm) Plate

    Up-grading welding tests certified by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

    SMAW-3G (10mm to 25mm) Plate
    SMAW-4G (25mm) Plate
    SMAW-6G (6”-8”) Pipe
    FCAW-3G (12mm to25mm) Plate7 . GTAW-6G (2”) Pipe
    GTAW/SMAW-6G (2’to3’ S.S Pipe)

    Entry Requirement
    • Must be over 18 years of age
    • Must be physically and mentally fit for the training
    • No problem with eyesight

    Upon successful completion candidate will be issued with a Welding Certificate by the Class surveyor.

    For Malaysian/Foreign Worker- Obtain the above welding certificate in one or two days to apply for work permit this certificate witnessed by 3rd party approved by Ministry Of Manpower Singapore(MOM) may use for lower levy.

    We undertake to offer you the best rates and the shortest time to qualify your workers.

    Enquires,please contact us.
    Terence +6598308352
    Sathya +60167214721


ILP Jitra - Leader In Skills Excellence

i)Vision : To be a leading organization in the development of competitive workforce

ii)Mission: To produce competent workforce

i-To aide in the direction of optimum utilization of Manpower through Industrial Training Programs.

ii-To improve the standard of skills among workers in the industrial sector.

iv)Core Values:

Access and Equity- Our services are available to everyone who needs them

Quality- A qualification from us should be acknowledged as a sign that the person has received quality training

Continuous improvement- We are always looking for ways to improve services to our clients

Respect for industry -We adapt our services to meet the needs of industry

Integrity -We are committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior

Community -We build partnerships with people and organizations who share our ideals so that together we can achieve more for our clients

Service- We exist to serve our country and industry

v)Corporate Strategy:

Our experienced course managers will serve as strategic partners in order to understand your specific business needs, challenges and requirements. Our consultative and collaborative approach allows our team to develop a sound strategy with clear objectives and outcomes. The insight we gain through our strategic approach will ensure your business receives competency-based, innovative and results-driven training, by the best trainers in the business.

vi)Quality Policy:

A qualification from us should be acknowledged as a sign that the person has received quality training

Please explain the method of formulating the corporate strategy

Experienced course managers will serve as strategic partners in order to understand your specific business needs, challenges and requirements .We will use CUDBASS techniques to find out the weakness and come out with the best solution to narrow down the gap among employees and help clients to boost their performance and profitability.

All training programs including its curriculum structure developed follow National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS). NOSS is a document that outlines the dexterity required of an employee working in Malaysia at a certain level of employment to achieve specific skills. This Standard was prepared by industry experts and skilled workers in related fields. Its help Skills Training Institute /Trainer/Instructor:
i. To develop an appropriate training curriculum which meets industry needs
ii. To design a full-time training program or customized program that meets industry needs
iii. To have a clearer understanding of the skills required by the industry
iv. Basic assessment of re- training needs of instructors/trainers to meet current industry needs
v. Proper career advice may be given effectively to trainees.

Describe the approaches implemented by your company in ensuring quality training programs.
i) Identification of training needs of employers/industries(Please attach any study, market intelligence or survey conducted).

All the training contents will be developed base on NOSS requirement to ensure the skill training programs meets the industry needs and eliminating miss match/gap between training provider and industry /employers needs. It’s also giving us a clear and systematic approach on how to provide skill training to help company and employee to enhance their career.

ii) Internal factors, including upgrading of trainers’ skills (Please provide evidence).

We train our Trainer/Instructor on related skills areas to improve their knowledge, skills and attitude to become the best trainer in skill training every year including sponsored their participation in Malaysia Skill Competition.

Briefly explain the effort put for continuous improvement of the training programs.

We are establishing Corporate and Lifelong Learning Division to lead on continuous improvement of the training programs and worked with the industry on how to produce competent workers.
CUDBASS method will help us to develop special and workable training programmes to benefit our clients.
